10X CEO Network Update – Q2-2024
10X CEO is an accelerated learning platform designed to help high-performing, venture-backed CEOs build valuable, enduring companies. Our CEOs work individually with an experienced CEO coach and in quarterly cohorts with six to eight carefully matched CEOs. We currently have 81 CEOs in 12 cohorts.
Must be nominated by a top-tier venture firm or current member of 10XCEO.
Must lead a company with $10-$900 million in annual revenue with rapid growth rates.
Must demonstrate the skill, desire, focus, and courage to function at a 10X level.
11 of the 2023 BVP “Cloud 100” are 10X CEOs, including 8 of the top 40 companies. A complete list is at 10X CEO.
The three levers of 10X CEO are (1) select high-performing CEOs (2) who use a proprietary framework and tools to maximize the value of their interaction, and (3) provide elite one-on-one coaching with “just-in-time” personalized insights that are combined with the collective intelligence of the 10X CEO network for each individual CEO. Our CEOs tell us that this combination of levers creates considerably more value than just having an individual CEO coach.
To create our cohorts, we segment our participating CEOs into tiers. The combination of revenue/growth rate is the primary consideration, but we also factor in characteristics that relate to CEO skill and experience.
Here is a summary of our current 10X CEOs by tiers:
Late-Stage (+$100M) - 23
Mid-Stage ($30-100M) - 22
Early-Stage ($5-30M) - 33
We are often asked about what we do when CEOs either outgrow or underperform their groups. We at least partially realign our groups every 12-18 months to manage this. For example, several of our existing Tier 3 companies have made rapid rises past $30 million during the last year, so we promoted them to a later-stage cohort. We also have to make some tough decisions with CEOs if it becomes clear that their group is growing past them. We have only eight available spots in each cohort, and we constantly remind both ourselves and our CEOs that they are not just the customer; they are the product. It is our job to put the best players on the field.
We will not launch any new cohorts in 2024, and we have only 15 available slots in our existing cohorts. If you have a potential CEO to nominate, we would love to learn about them.
Our CEOs are nominated by our existing network of CEOs (60%) and from a few top-tier venture funds (40%). We work closely with a few top venture funds and are very thoughtful about evaluating and selecting their highest potential CEOs for the program. Our goal is for 10X CEO to be the most valuable tool for high-performing CEOs on their journey to build sustainably valuable companies.