A unique approach leveraging individual coaching and peer groups with some of the highest-performing CEOs of venture-backed companies
The 10X CEO® program consists of the following:
A team of 6-8 carefully matched high-performing CEOs who convene two days each quarter to help and support one another in their time focus and accelerated implementation of their highest value priorities.
An experienced CEO Coach with extensive leadership experience who works closely to help each 10X CEO® become elite at their CEO craft.
A platform of best practices and tools that enable each 10X CEO® to quickly adopt proven frameworks rather than invent them from scratch.
Qualifications for CEO Participants
Currently leading a high-performing company with $5 - $500 million in annual revenue and nominated by a top-tier Silicon Valley venture capital firm or 10X CEO® Member.
Must demonstrate the desire and humility to learn at a 10X level. Learning at the rate of personal experience is too slow and often misleading. Each candidate must demonstrate the ability to focus on their highest leverage priorities and have the desire to utilize the 10X CEO® process to accelerate their learning.
Must face opportunities and decisions with multi-million-dollar impact involving business model, talent, core systems, and financing/capital allocation. The 10X CEO® program’s purpose is to accelerate the CEO’s ability to create substantial economic value. The expected outcome is for each company to create greater than $10 million (much more for later-stage companies) in increased annual economic value from participating in 10X CEO®.
10X CEO® Step-By-Step
Determine the CEO’s Highest Value Priorities working with a 10X CEO® Coach using the CEO X-Ray, a proprietary tool, to give a complete picture of the business and the CEO’s personal effectiveness from quarter to quarter.
Utilize the 10X CEO Peer Learning Environment where each quarter, 6-8 top-performing CEOs do a “Deep Dive” into each other’s company. This accelerated team learning can’t be duplicated, either by the CEO on their own or by working 1/1 with an individual coach.
Leverage Accelerated Learning across the network as the best answer for most CEO priorities is almost always outside the CEO’s current knowledge and experience. 10X CEO® has direct monthly interactions with 80+ top CEOs (and multiple VCs) about solutions to these priorities.
Participants agree to:
Analyze their CEO skill like a professional athlete by watching “game film,” practicing with top-performing CEO athletes, and applying accelerated learning to their top priorities.
To believe that the combined intelligence of seven other CEOs, their Coach, and the 10X CEO® network is more valuable than their own knowledge and experience.
Add value to their CEO peers by committing knowledge and support to help their fellow CEOs succeed and contribute to the 10X CEO network's quality and value.
Come prepared in advance to all quarterly group meetings with a complete CEO X-Ray, Top Priority Deep Dive, and Best Practice Discussion. Each discussion will be about an area that has the potential to create multi-million-dollar value. Life is too short for anything else.
Attend all team meetings in person. Team members determine their meeting schedule in advance, and like board meetings, CEOs realize they are a large part of the value. They always show up, even when business emergencies happen.
Additional Program Offerings
Access to the full 10X CEO® network through coach introductions, bi-annual conference, and network Slack channel.
Leadership evaluations and feedback tools such as a 360 and Working Genius assesement.
Use of proprietary methodologies and frameworks to work “on the business” rather than just “in the business."